
Friday, September 14, 2012

My Hands Can (Art Journaling week 5)

It's been 2 weeks since I posted any pages. You ever start an art project and half way through have a brain fart of where to go next? Well that was me. Sometimes you just need some time to stew on something before it feels right again. I also have to say that Pinterest has become a great source of art journaling inspiration for me. If I need an idea poof there they are. I could spend hours looking through photos of art and art journals.

I love how text makes an interesting background, but I wanted something a little different so used sheet music.I marched down to the library found the sheet music section and made some photo copy's. Thank god for the public library. I cut it up and laid it in all different directions. I also strategically cut some colorful scrap book paper and glued it on the sides almost like it's curtains framing my little music window. And that is where my pages sat for about a week. I lucked out when class was delayed this week. I finally jumped back in and started drawing some scroll work on a sheet of blank mailing labels. I then stuck them to a sheet of brown card stock with spaces in between each sticker to make it in to a triptych. I drew a little jute box, and cut it out to glue in. I added paint splatters and doodles. I used the sticker labels once again to add words, Music and love. I love music I can't walk anywhere without my iPod playing. I also like singing and playing my guitar even though I'm not that good at the guitar but it's such a great energy release.

Lastly I used a little music note stamp I had made a couple weeks back. A little reminder when making stamps with letters or direction specific things make sure you do them backwards if you don't when you stamp them they come out mirror backwards. I learned that the hard way when I had carved out the entire stamp and it was all wrong and had to cut it down and start again.

These pages were inspired from something I saw on Pinterest, it was an optical illusion of a hand under fabric and I just had to try it. I drew that out with sharpie and colored it in with sharpie's. It's such a cool technique and easy to do. The other half of the page I panted black.  As I was looking at the drawing I thought about all the thing my hands can do and that became my theme. I added the title text, and a bubbly green paper for journaling about all the things my hands can do. I added some of my favorite scroll work doodles and a feather sticker made on a mailing label.

As I was photographing my pages Goken couldn't wait to see wheat was coming next. He always wants to help.

I'm waiting on some photos to come in the mail to finish my black and white challenge pages. So until next week happy arting!

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