
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Helping Abandoned Kittens

Today seemed like a normal day. Take FeFe for her usual mid day walk around the block. I was feeling a bit lazy and decided to cut through the park and I'm glad I did. As we entered through the small gate FeFe saw a cat and wanted to chase it, and at a closer look I saw the cat was with 3 kittens. It wasn't a feral cat, no some one had abandoned this poor mama cat and her kittens leaving them with only a towel bowl of water and pile of food on the ground. I quickly picked up the dog so she wouldn't scare the cats and ran home. I got some phone numbers to our local shelters and ran back to sit with the kittens.I didn't want the kids in the park or any other animals to mess with them.

 I made sure to cal the local non-kill shelter first, but they had already placed 5 litters this week alone with foster families and they weren't sure if there would be a foster family available. Dan came to sit with me and the kittens in the park and reminded me of the place a few blocks away that took in feral cats. He walked up and told them about the abandoned kittens. Soon after the lady from the cat rescue came to pick the kitty family up. She said they were no more than 4 weeks old and still not weened because of the blue of their eyes had not changed from the blue color.

The little tan kitten reminds me of my Goken.
 The whole while I sat with them the Mama cat was nice and I was able to pet her and the kittens.  It baffles me that some one could just trow animals out of their house, on one of the coldest days of September so far no less. It was quite chilly and windy today. I was cold, could you imagine how the little kittens must have felt?

If you can't take care of an animal you have an obligation to find it a new home or at least serenader it to a shelter. How could anyone be so heartless to leave defenseless little kittens out in the cold like that. It makes me so mad! I don't have the money nor the space for them but had it come down to it and no shelter would of taken them they would of come home with me until I could find them homes.

She is such a good mama cat. she never left her babies. She snuggled them to keep them warm and even gave them a bathe.

Just remember if your not an animal breeder there is no reason for you to not neuter your animals! Just like teen pregnancy unwanted animal litters can easily be prevented.

this is all they were left with. a towel, bowl of water, and food left on the ground.

I'm so thankful that Berkshire Animal D.R.E.A.M.S. was able to take them in. My heart is too big when it comes to animals and would have never been able to just leave them there and not take them in.

Berkshire Animal D.R.E.A.M.S. ( Dignified Rescues Education Advocacy Medical Services) is an organization that has a Trap- Neuter-Return program for cats. They also take cat in and have an adoption program. they are solely run on donations. Check out their site see what they are all about  If you want to help out the kittens and make a donation, you can do it  through PayPal on their site or you can sent them to:

Animal D.R.E.A.M.S. Inc.
P.O. Box 1073
Pittsfield, MA 01202


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