
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Stand Out In A Crowd. (Art journaling)

The past week I have been retreating to the kitchen table for some tunes and art journaling, making new pages and finishing up some stated a few weeks ago. when the inspiration hits its best not to stop it.

These pages were solely inspired by the photo on the left. I had taken it while on vacation in NYC last year. I took it looking from the window of our hotel and the lights inside combined with the city lights gave such a fun effect. I started the paged with a gradient of acrylic paint and while it was still wet I crumpled up some news paper and pressed it on to the pages and the news paper took off some of the paint giving it a bit of a tie dye look. I love the effect it gives and can't wait to use it again. I also added lots of paint splatters and drawn stars to the background. I used some grey paper and cut out a city skyline and added a dark paint wash to it;s edges. I also added some confetti garland That Jenny of Every Day Is A Holiday showed us how to make last week.I used it on the building and it reminds me of  strung Christmas lights.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Maybelline Color Show Nail Lacquer Downtown Brown Review

I was perusing the fall collections at the local drugstore and just glanced by this color at first but at a second look I had fallen in love. I'm not usually one for brown colors but this one had something special, Duochrome! Yep I'm a sucker for any nail polish with duochrome.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Music Loves (#4)

It's been a while since I have shared some tunes with every one. So here is what's been on constan rotation lately.

Lana Del Rey "Radio" (Born To Die)

I had been listen to Land Del Rey radio on Pandora a lot and it had been on my iTunes wish list for a while. I finally got the album a couple of weeks ago and as usual whatever is new is on perma play on my iPod. I love her music it's calming, mellow and powerful all at the same time. Of course the defining factor of a favorite song is if it fits into a movie scene. I'm always imaging up movies in my head and the music that would be there sound track and I could totally envision this backing the story. I love her mix of deep sultry voice with the higher girl like tone.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

FOTD (September 16th)

Oh boy do I love being able to pull out the Fall makeup colors again. You can never go wrong with a neutral pinup eye look and some plum/berry dark lipstick. The leaves are already starting to change here so que up the fall inspiration. It's time to have fun with the warm tones and vampy lips.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Helping Abandoned Kittens

Today seemed like a normal day. Take FeFe for her usual mid day walk around the block. I was feeling a bit lazy and decided to cut through the park and I'm glad I did. As we entered through the small gate FeFe saw a cat and wanted to chase it, and at a closer look I saw the cat was with 3 kittens. It wasn't a feral cat, no some one had abandoned this poor mama cat and her kittens leaving them with only a towel bowl of water and pile of food on the ground. I quickly picked up the dog so she wouldn't scare the cats and ran home. I got some phone numbers to our local shelters and ran back to sit with the kittens.I didn't want the kids in the park or any other animals to mess with them.

Friday, September 14, 2012

My Hands Can (Art Journaling week 5)

It's been 2 weeks since I posted any pages. You ever start an art project and half way through have a brain fart of where to go next? Well that was me. Sometimes you just need some time to stew on something before it feels right again. I also have to say that Pinterest has become a great source of art journaling inspiration for me. If I need an idea poof there they are. I could spend hours looking through photos of art and art journals.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Fortune Coockie Soaps Fall Soap Box Review.

Autumn is by far my favorite season. Some of the leaves have already started to change here in the Berkshire's and I've been pulling out the grandpa sweaters.  A lot of my love for fall has to to with the smells though, that's why I'm supper exited to try out all the products from the Fortune Cookie Soap's Fall Soap Box.