
Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday Music Loves #2

Here are my top 3 songs  that have been non stop on the playlist this week.

Alex Winston- Locomotive

I came across one of Alex Winston's videos sometime 2 weeks ago on one of the weird in between channels that can you believe it actually plays music video's and I went on Youtube to look up more music from her. I found this and have been obsessing over it ever since.

Magic Wands - Black Magic 

One thing I love about iTunes is that each week there are several spotlight singles for free. They change every Tuesday. This was one of the songs that was featured on the Indie spotlight about 2 weeks ago. I love the singles of the week I find music that I might never of heard otherwise.

Natalia Kills - Break You Hard

This is a sing that's been going strong in my iPod for the past 9 months. If you like Lady GaGa you'll defiantly like Natalia Kills. I highly recommend checking out her whole album  because every song on it is really good.

What songs have you been loving this week?