
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

11 Question Tag!

I was Tagged By Kelly From Beauty Obsessed to do the 11 Questions Tag. It's a get to know me kind of tag.

Rules to the Eleven Question tag~
1. Each person must post eleven things about themselves on their blog.
2. Answer the questions your tagger has sent you as well as create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
3. Choose eleven people to tag and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them they were tagged.
5. No tag backs!
6. You have to really tag eleven people, not just say "If you're reading this, consider yourself tagged!" or something like that.

  1. I 'm a big animal lover. I have extreme compassion for all animals big and small. I'm the girl who goes and gets the cooking oil and frees the mouse on the mouse trap. I balled and hyperventilated in anatomy when it came time to dissect cats at the end of the year even though I looked forward to it all year. All I wanted to do was give them a proper funeral. 
  2. Top 5 Things I'm afraid of. Aliens, Lightning, The moth man, Flying, Public speaking. And yes aliens are my #1 fear. 
  3. In kindergarten I wanted to be a gorilla when I grew up. I'm a cake decorator now. Guess thing don't always turn out as you plan. LOL
  4. I love to paint even though it's been ages since I have painted anything. 
  5. I never liked to read books until 5 years ago. Thank you Janet Evanavich and Stephanie Meyer. You made this dyslexic girl like reading.
  6. When I get bored I go put on makeup. 
  7. I'm an awesome baker/Cake decorator.
  8. I could not live without music I will listen to any genera. 
  9. I Have 1 tattoo. it says Spikey. It was my Dad's nickname for me as a kid. I used to hate it but after he had Alzheimer's  and  he couldn't remember My name was Nicole he still knew I was Spikey. When he passed I got it as a memorial to him.
  10. I believe Karma always sets thing strait.  So do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And if some one is nasty to you don't worry Karma will straiten their ass out.
  11. I like rainy days.
1. Have you ever been to a different country and if so where? 
  • No I haven't but hopeful it's in the cards because there are so many places I want to go and things I want to see before I die.
2. What's one word you tend to misspell a lot?
  • I'm dyslexic so there isn't just one. It's a lot of them quit frequently. Thank god for computers and spell check.
3. If you could live in any era/time period, when would it be?
  • I love history so this is hard. In terms of art history it would be during the post impressionist era, with van Gogh and Cezanne. by far my favorite style of art.
4. What is your sign?
  • I'm a Leo.
5. What is your favorite TV show from your childhood?
  • Avonlea. I have always loved shows and movies with period costumes that show different times in history.
6. What are you plans for today? (besides reading this)
  • Watching Once Upon A Time. It's the season finally tonight. It's one of my favorite new shows. I love fairy tales especially when the have a bit of a darker side to them.
7. Twitter or Facebook?
  • Both. I use Facebook to connect with people in my everyday life like Friends and coworkers. I use Twitter to connect with online friends and other bloggers and follow celebrity's.
8. What was the last beauty product you bought?
  • Maybelline Instant Age Renew dark Circle eraser.
9. What is your natural hair color?
  • Dark ash blond though I haven't seen it in a while.
10. Have you ever had to have surgery?
  • Yes, I had my tonsils out as a kid. The Dr. botched it and throat was hemorrhaging and had to back into surgery. I was not a fan of the ice cream pudding diet and i was 8. We got home and I begged my mom to make me fried eggs. 
11. How tall are you?
  • 5 feet 7 inches

11 Questions for you

  1. Have you ever eaten a bug?
  2. Can you speak another language?
  3. What's the one beauty product you couldn't live without?
  4.  How many pet's do you have?
  5. What's the one place in the world you would most like to see. 
  6. Top 3 things you would do if you won the lottery?
  7. Sweet or salty snacks?
  8. What is your favorite Quote?
  9. Do you have any Tattoos or piercings? 
  10. what is your favorite song?
  11. what is your favorite season?

 I Tag
Jan -
Amanda -
Elex -
Rianne -
Alina -
Rikki -
Seana -
Tiffeny -
Vicky -
Niki -