
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Here I go again. (Get Fit Week 1)

After months of being lazy and bad eating habits a surge of motivation has hit me. I seem to find that it usually has a direct correlation with warmer weather and more sunshine. Whatever the case may be I have made the decision the get back on the healthy track. All winter I have been a glutinous sloth, I have been feeling rundown and lacking energy and I think that eating healthy and exercise are just the keys to feeling better.  Losing weight would be a perk. I would love to go clothing shopping and be able to pick something out and have it fit and not worry about the store not having any more fat girl sizes.
I have done this before, get the motivation to get healthy and lose weight but it doesn’t last long. That is why I’m putting this out for the world. If I let others know what I’m doing or do it with someone then I feel like I have someone that I have to be accountable to. I don’t want to let someone down so I keep it up.  So I’m going to make this into a weekly update, how I’m feeling, what I’m doing and if it’s working.

The plan for week 1
-          Calorie counting.  I have a problem with overeating and eating the wrong stuff, this helps me be more conscientious of what and how much I’m eating.
-          Working out.  Finally putting the elliptical I bought months ago to use.
Keep up with and join the get health fun with me on Facebook at Project Skinny Bitches

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