
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Epic Fail!!! (Get Fit Week 2)

Happy Easter All!

So this week in the world of getting healthy was an epic fail. Because of the Holliday my job is hectic beyond belief. I have had to switch my normal schedule for overnights which then also switches my diet to Little Debbie’s, coffee, soda, and pretzels, yah not conducive to a healthy diet. As far as exercising goes it’s been work sleep work sleep work. When I get a chance to sleep it’s for 14 hours at a time. So needless to say I haven’t lost any weight but the good news is with the horrible diet I haven’t gained any either.

Plan for week 2
-calorie counting
-Elliptical cardio

Keep up with and join the get health fun with me on Facebook at Project Skinny Bitches

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