
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Back From The Wayside

Mint Cupcake 2D pop out painting 8x11

Well its been some time since I've posted anything on her. a good 10 months to be exact.Sometimes life just gets in the way and things inevitably fall to the wayside. Work in the baker got pretty hectic over the past year and at points I felt like a one man army. I ended up getting a full time position and then  my overworked cake decorating are just burned out. Ive been on light duty since the end of August and most of that time my arm was either in too numb or in to much pain to do much of anything. Recently though it's been feeling much better, I can finally see the light at the end of this tunnel.

I've been able to make art again, finally I've missed painting and my art journal. Funny enough since I haven't been able to make cakes in the past few month they have become my subject matter. You know you love and miss something when you start making paintings about it!

I recently opened up and etsy shop to sell my  paintings and artwork. Ive always been someone who makes art for themselves but there is only so much one can hoard in a small apartments. If its something you love to do why not get paid to do it. I make the things that I love and I'm proud of and hopefully someone loves them as much as I do.

Owl Christmas Ornament

Which Brings me back to my blog. You may have noticed a little redecorating, that's because I'm going to be doing a bit of an over haul. Back when I started this blog back in 2011 my intent was that it was to be a beauty blog. Sure Ive had the occasional music love sharing and artjournaling, I want this to be a place where I can share all my interests. I know that I've grown as a person since 2011 so why shouldn't the blog

So what can you expect to see...
  • I want to bring back Monday Music loves! I've discovered so many awesome songs and artist that it would be a shame to keep them to my sell
  • ART! things I'm working on, techniques or materials that are new to me that may be new to you too. fun projects. 
  • a possible overload of my kitties and puppy. I cant help myself I love those guys!
  • and don't worry beauty and makeup posts aren't going anywhere. I'm still a makeup and nail polish hoarder!
  • what ever else strikes my fancy!