
Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday Music Loves (they are back!!!)

Well Its been quite some time and I have lots of tunes to share! I'm not a music critic by any means I just know what I like. And these are some of the songs I have been loving.

Natalia Kills, Daddy's Girl

I have been in love with the whole Trouble album since it came out this summer. If your someone who misses the early days of Lady GaGa I suggest Natalia Kills to fill that void.

The Civil Wars, Devils Backbone

I love this song for the hints of county and blue grass but its not bombarding you with twangy I got my pickup truck and my girl just left me. God knows I can't stand the twangy red necks. They have incredible and beautiful voices.

Fall Out Boy, Alone Together

Well I never thought there would be a day where I would be saying I like fallout Boy. I guess never say never because I love their latest album. I'm not quite sure what drew me to it but I do appreciate that the lead singer has gotten better on his enunciation! This is one that I have been jamming out to for months now. 

That's all for this week. What are some of the songs or artist you have been loving lately?

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Back From The Wayside

Mint Cupcake 2D pop out painting 8x11

Well its been some time since I've posted anything on her. a good 10 months to be exact.Sometimes life just gets in the way and things inevitably fall to the wayside. Work in the baker got pretty hectic over the past year and at points I felt like a one man army. I ended up getting a full time position and then  my overworked cake decorating are just burned out. Ive been on light duty since the end of August and most of that time my arm was either in too numb or in to much pain to do much of anything. Recently though it's been feeling much better, I can finally see the light at the end of this tunnel.