
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Library Autumn Book Sale Haul.

A couple times a year our local Library has a book sale of donated books and this past friday was one of the books sales. Books start at .50 cents. Most of the ones I got were only 1$. You can't beat that. The best part is you never know what your going to find.

I found a coffee table book on Van Gogh ($1) and Anatomy book for figure drawing(1$). The Art section is always the first place I hit at the book sale.

I swear They must know me because they have an animal/pet section. Yep I am the crazy cat lady buying cat books. A compilation of cat stories (1$), and a Biography on Morris the cat (.50). this is why I love the book sale I don't think I would of ever went looking on a biography of Morris the cat but but for the price what crazy cat lady could pass it up.

The Book sale has paper back books galore. I had been meaning to read Running With Scissors (1$) for some time now and was happy to find it at the book sale. Kite Runner (1$).

Things you never knew you wanted or existed... Comics from India about Hindu Gods! (.50cents each) These were so wired I had to get them.

Yep I really liked the comic section! Avengers Graphic Novel (1$) and the best find of the day was The Official Handbook Of the Marvel Universe Book of the Dead Vol 9. (4$) To which I found out is worth about 40$ give or take. can you say score! I just got it because I thought it was cool with a rundown of a bunch of Marvel characters and thought Dan (my boyfriend) might like it.

then later in the day I want back with Dan and found this a Complete Guide to Sewing (1$) It has everything I think I will ever need to know about sewing. I got it because I like to sew but don't always know how to do cretin things and patterns don't always give detailed instructions. I thought this would come in real handy.