
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Taking Art Journaling class with Jenny & Aaron (Class1)

So last week Jenny posted on her Blog Everyday is a Holiday that they would be doing a weekly free Art Journaling class every Thursday on her blog.  I was really excited because I love her posts of her art journal, and I have always wondered what exactly she does to make them.

It's also been a long time since I have done anything with art that doesn't involve decorating a cake on a daily basis. I like the Idea of the weekly class it will give me some sense of structure to get back into creating. The consummate procrastinator that I am if there isn't some form of a deadline it wont get it done. That's what I loved when I was in art school. I was constantly creating and there was a deadline.

It surprises my I have never made an art journal before, I love collaging. It's been fun getting back into it.

Due to the lack of a new sketch book and funds I decided to reuse an old sketch book I had made in Art school. It didn't have much in it and what little was there I don't care to cover up. Besides I love the look of the fabric covered outside I hate to let it go to wast.

I started gathering things to work with and found a pile of Sunday funnies I had been saving and decided to to start there and cover my pages with them. I turned them sideways to make them more into patterned background and less of something to read through.  I liked the technique from the tutorial of ripping the paper and thought it made a nice contrast juxtaposed with the very linear and boxy cartoons. I knew I would get some use out of the scrap booking paper set eventually.

I rummaged through a folder of magazine clippings of pictures and words I had been hanging onto and couldn't pass up the chance to use the silly kitty sandwich photo. The photo from the magazine was to glossy for my liking, with all the matte paper on the page so far. I wattered down some white paint and brushed it over the photo then patted it down with a paper towel to give it a matte hazed newspaper look. I added some grey and blue pieces of origami paper for some open space.

 To tie in with the cartoon I added some thought bubbles to wright in. I also lined things with dark grey paint to make them feel like cartoon frames. And if things weren't busy enough I added some stamping with a straw and hatching with a pen.

I'm excited to see what next week's class has in store. I'm always excited to learn new techniques and different ideas.


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