
Thursday, August 30, 2012

In Love With Scroll Work (Art journaling Week 4)

I have been a busy art making bee this week. I have fully commandeered the kitchen table as my art area, but let's face it we almost never ate dinner at the table anyway. Plus it seems that my cake decorating has overflowed into my artwork because my new favorite thing to add is scroll work. I usually do it on cakes as vines but I really love drawing them and adding them to pages.

Little Bird                                                                                                                                         

Earlier this week Dan brought home a puzzle with a poster of a humming bird in it, he handed it to me and said "hey I bet you could use this for your art journal" He knows me so well, as soon as I saw it I wanted to use it.  I started off thinking I would just do a quick line drawing of it but then it evolved into a full blown color drawing with colored pencil.

I also was playing around with some sheets of sticker labels. I drew some scroll work on them and then gave them an antique look with a wash of brown paint .

The pages themselves were a wash of pink paint, with some dry brushing of blue pink purple and green. They were a bit bright for me so they also got an antique brown wash to dull them a bit. The humming bird felt a little lost with the background so I gave the center of the top page a bit of a white wash so he would pop. I added squares of paper for journaling. I fancied them up with some scroll work and the scroll work stickers. I added some paint splatters and paint circle blobs (which have become one of my favorite things to add). I also added some leaf stamps to the pages.

Lastly I added some letter stickers and a line from a song from one of my Favorite singers?song/writers Deb Talan.

Just Take The Plunge

These pages didn't start out with any ideas except I wanted to cover the pages with news print for a pattern. I cut out columns from the newspaper and glued them down right side up, up side down and horizontally. I didn't want them to be something you read I just wanted them to be pattern. I stared at the pages like that for 2 days before figuring out what was next.

I pulled out my art mannequin buddy and stated playing with poses. I finally decided to pose her like she is holding an umbrella and checking with a hand for the rain. I painted the mannequin and umbrella and cut them out.  I then added different shades of blue paint splatters to the page as rain and painted in some bubbles. I added some blue paper cut with scallops to the top of the pages like rain clouds. I glued the mannequin in. I didn't paint her any legs because they wouldn't fit so I painted a bunch of bubbles like she had fallen into them. She started to remind me o Marry Poppins.

I glued down a big circle of blue paper and painted to look like the bubbles for some writing. I couldn't resist adding scroll work and some leaves in there. I also used some black colored pencil to shade behind all the bubbles and mannequin to give it a sense of space and dimension.  Lastly I added a cutout with some writing and filled in the bubble with writing.

I'm excited to dive into this weeks "assignment" (Make your pages personal. Say what you want to say. Make them YOU.) I think I'm going to take inspiration from Jenny's quote "Do more of what makes you happy" oh the ideas are bubbling now. So with that, see you for next weeks class.

Head over to Everyday Is A Holiday to join the art Journaling fun.

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