
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January MyGlam Bag

This is my first month receiving a MyGlam bag. Created by Youtube Beauty Guru Michelle Phan MyGlam Bag is a monthly subscription program where you receive a cosmetic bag filled with 4-5 full sized or deluxe sized beauty samples. You take a quiz to determine your style then samples are chosen based off the quiz. Each months products are based off of a theme. The samples come in a cute cosmetic bag with a deign to match that months theme.

This months theme is products that are good for the planet and good for you. First impressions I'm really impressed with MyGlam. First off I love the packaging concept of the cosmetic bag. It's something that you can get some good use out of and use over and over again. I'm very impressed with the size of the "samples" if we can call them that because most are full sized products. I also like how it comes with coupons to purchase the products if you like them. Other subscription services offer a way to buy the products but at full price, with MyGlam you get an awesome deal with the coupons. When calculated out the value of the bag with products and coupons comes to $102. For only costing $10 I'd say it's an awesome deal.

I have read on message boards a lot of negative comments about the company. As for me so far it's far exceeded my expectations. My bag arrived in a reasonable time period after receiving my shipping notification. I had no problems with billing. As far as the typs of products go, high end or drug store I'm not a label snob if it's a good product who cares if it came from the department store or drugstore. I'm really excited to fully try all the products out and can't wait till next months bag.

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