
Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday Blog Hop

Monday Blog Hop

If your looking for a way to find new blogs to read or a way so people can find your blog? Try checking out the Monday blog Hop Hosted by Nykki at Nykki's Mane Blog. I have found so may great blogs that I would of never of known about without the Monday Blog Hop.The great thing is they are not limited to just beauty. I have found some great blogs dedicated to sewing, and cooking which is right up my ally.

All you have to do is leave your name and the link to your blog (make sure the url is correct I have found there are some that don't go to any site).  And don't forget to leave a comment when your done. If your just looking to find a new blog be sure to leave a comment saying the Monday Blog Hop sent you.

For all the Blog Hop Rules just Click Here

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